The Muslim Handbook

The Muslim Handbook

By: Dr. Mubarak Ali


5.7 Quraanic Du’a (Suppilcations)

6. Du’a to be Grateful



Rabbi aw zi’ni an ashkura ni’matakal-lati an’amta ‘alai-ya wa ‘alaa waali dai-ya wa an ‘amala saalihan tardaahu wa adkhilni bi rahmatika fi ibaadikas-saalihin.


Lord, grant me the capacity to be grateful for Your favours which you have bestowed upon me and upon my parents, and to act righteously so as to win Your pleasure; and admit me by Your mercy, among Your righteous servants.



Rabbi aw zi’ni an ashkura ni’matakal-lati an ‘amta ‘alai-ya wa ‘alaa waali dai-ya wa an ‘amala saalihan tardaahu wa aslih li fi zurri-yati. Inni tubtu ilaik, wa inni minal muslimin.


Lord, grant me that I may be grateful to You for the bounty that You have bestowed upon me and upon my parents, and I may act righteously so as to please You, and make my progeny righteous also. Truly, I turn to You, and truly I am of those submit.

(To be continued)