The Muslim Handbook

The Muslim Handbook

By: Dr. Mubarak Ali



5.7 Quraanic Du’a (Suppilcations)

7. Du’a of and for the Faithful

  1. Transliteration:

Rabbana maa khalaqta haazaa bhaatilan. Subhaanaka faqinaa ‘azaaban-naar (191). Rabbanaa in-naka man tudkhilin-naa rafaqad akhzaitahu wa maa liz-zaalimina min ansaar (192). Rabbanaa in-nanaa sami’naa munaadiyan-yunaa dilil imaani an aaminu bi rab-bikum fa aaman-naa. Rabbanaa faafir lanaa zunubanaa wa kaf-fir ‘annaa saiiaatinaa wa tawaf-fanaa ma’alabraar (193). Rabbanaa wa aatinaa maa wa’ata-tanaa’alaa rusulika wa laa tukhzinaa yaumal-qiyaamati.In-naka laa tukhliful mi’aad (194). (Surah Al-‘Imran, 3:191-194)


Lord, You have not created all this without purpose. Glory be to You; Save us from the torment of the Fire (191). Lord whom You have condemned to the Fire have You surely humiliated. And there will be no helpers for the transgressors (192). Lord, surely we have heard a Caller calling into faith: Believe in your Lord; and we have believed. Lord, forgive us, therefore, our sins and remove from our ills, and in death number us with the righteous (193). Lord, grant us that which You have promised us through Thy Messengers and humiliate us not on the Day of Judgement; surely You do not go contrary to Your promise (194).


  1. Transliteration:

Rabbanaa aaman-naa faktubnaa ma’ash-shaahidin.


Lord, we have believed, so write us down among the witnesses.


  1. Transliteration:

Rabbi qad aataitani minal mulki wa ‘alamtani min ta’wilil-aahaadith. Faatiras-samaawaati wal ard anta waliyi fid-dunyaa wal aakhirahti. Tawaf-fani muslima wa alhiqni bis-saalihin.



Lord, You have bestowed upon me soveregignty and taught me the interpretation of dreams. Maker of the heavens and earth, You are my Friend in this world and the hereafter. Make me die in submission and join me with the righteous.

  1. Transliteration:

Rabbij ‘alni muqimas-salaati wa min zur-ri-yati, Rabbanaa wa taqab-bal du’aa (40), Rabbanag firli wali waali dai-ya wa lil muminina yauma yaqumul hisaab (41).


Lord, make me constant in observing prayer and my children also. Lord, accept my prayer (40). Lord, extend Your forgiveness to me and to my parents and to the believers on the day when the reckoning is held (41).


  1. Transliteration:

Rabbanaa wa si’ta kul-la shai-ir-rahmahtan wa ‘ilman, fagfir lil-lazin taabu wat-taba-‘u sabilak wa qihim ‘azaabaljahim (7). Rabbanaa wa adkhil hum jan-naati ‘adnin-nilati wa ‘atahum wa man salaha min aabaa-ihim wa azwaajihim wa zuri-yaatihim. In-naka antal ‘azizul hakim (8). Wa qihimus-sai-iyaati wa man to qis-sai-iyaati yauma izin faqad rahimtahu, wa zaalika huwal fawzul ‘azim (9).


Lord, You comprehend all things in Your mercy and knowledge, so protect those who turn to (You) and follow Your way and save them from the punishment of Hell (7). Lord, admit them and the virtuous from among their fathers and their spouses and their children to the Gardens of Eternity which You have promised them. Surely, You art the Mighty, the Wise (8). Safeguard them against evil, and whom You safeguard against evil this day, You have surely shown mercy. And that is the mighty achievement (9).

(To Be Continued)