Questions on Sects and Schools of Thoughts

Question 48: Since no one has able to see God, and since no dead person was resurrected to tell us what happened to him after death, how could we believe in any religion?

Answer 48: This question is based on the material world, where sense becomes the reference to determine the facts of the universe.  Fundamentally, this basis is a void one.  In this life we believe in many things without being able to see them or feel them tangibly.  We do not know for example the essence of the soul, its secrets, and where does it inhabit our bodies?  So far this field has been immune to scientists and scientific laboratories, fine radiology and microscopes, which biologists and doctors use.  We absolutely believe in the presence of the soul although we do not see it.  We also believe in the existence of many other things like magnetism, electric current, air and many other things, which we do not touch physically.

All religions are based on miracles, which God performs on the hands of the prophets.  Ordinary human beings cannot perform these miracles.  Only prophets could carry out these actions in order to confirm the fact that they are true emissaries of God.  All prophets were sent to people and performed miracles in front of them, so that they believed them.  These are well-known historical facts.

Prophet Moses (pbuh) performed miracles: his club was transformed into a snake, the sea was split into two parts through a hit with his club, and the bursting of the water from the rock in the form of twelve springs good for drinking. 

Prophet Jesus (pbuh) healed the blind and the leprous, and gave life to the dead through God’s will.

Prophet Muhammad also had many miracles including the splitting apart of the moon, the gushing of water from his hands and the night journey from Mecca to Jerusalem and his ascension though the heaven.  But the most enduring and challenging miracle revealed through him is the Qur’an.

Belief in almighty God and in the unseen is therefore an intuitive matter, without which life cannot be right; without which the human self does not feel fully contented.  People’s lives, both today and land in the past, testify this if only they are truthful about their thoughts, feelings, and ideas.