Lucie - Czech Republic

Assalamu 'Alaykum Wa Rahmatullahi Wa Barakatuh,

I received the books some time ago., may Allah reward you and bless you for your help. It's very beneficial mashaAllah. Lucie

Flavia - Brazil

I am not a Muslim but a Christian so I want to receive books that I request because I believe that information is important to respect and to live peacefully with people of different religions of ours. Continue with this work because it is through it that many people will understand the true meaning of Islam.


Fatima - Netherlands

Asslamoe alaikoum warahmatoullahi wabarakaatoeh

I am so  happy to notify you that I received the books I have requested today. That’s very quick.

May Allah reward you for this. I really appreciate it. BaarakAllahu Fiekoum. And djazakaamouAllahu ghairan for the nice present (the reminders for dhikruLlah). This work what you fie saabillie Allah do is really wonderful. I can’t stop thank you for it keep on going.

Fie amaaniLlah.

Wa aliakoum assalaam.

Fatima, a sister from Holland

Flavia - Brazil

I am not a Muslim but a Christian so I want to receive books that I request because I believe that information is important to respect and to live peacefully with people of different religions of ours. Continue with this work because it is through it that many people will understand the true meaning of Islam.


Bardouri - Italy

Hello first of all I want to thank you from the heart for this wonderful initiative you are fantastic, only Allah will know how to reward you with heartfelt thanks.

I am a 23 year old non-working girl and I live here in Italy and I would love to get closer to my religion and to these books I will learn much more thanks from my heart.


Angel - United States

Hello. If possible please forward books checked marked. I'm an 22 yr old individual. Seeking knowledge on woman status in Islam and how she is to be treated. As well as learning about Allah. Your attention to my request will be greatly appreciated.


Altaf - United Kingdom

A Alikum, I have non Muslim English friend at work he keeps asking questions about Islam I need some books for I have chosen 5 from the list but if you think there are others may suit him well please can you send me those.

Altaf  - UK

Annabel - Netherlands

I found out about this website through tiktok and I’m so happy, because I’ve been interested in Islam for a while now but I don’t have any Muslim friends so these books could be extremely helpful. Thank you so much for this opportunity!


Cecilia - United States

Hello. I’m hoping to become Muslim in a non Muslim family and I am hoping to learn more about Islam so I can find true faith.


Name Withheld -

I am a Chaplain at a male correctional facility with close to …. inmates. I was wondering if your organization would send a good supply of Islamic literature to be used in our Chapel ministry to our Islamic inmates and other inmates that might be interested in the Islamic religion.

Thank you for any assistance in this matter.

Name Withheld