Raminta - Lithuania

I was born as a Christian but these past years I have been very interested in Islam. I would be really happy to receive some brochures or books about Islam to study it more. Thank you.

Raminta - Lithuania

Sarah - United Kingdom

became Muslim in February, 2011 and now married to a wonderful man from Palestine. We are helping others to come to Islam and giving them links and books we have to help them.

Sarah - UK

 Leroy - Canada

Salaam Alaikum Brothers I am a new Muslim and am looking for books to expand my knowledge. I have picked up a lot of booklets from our Mosque and am hungry for more knowledge Inshallah this will help me. If I have picked one and you think another will serve me better please email me and we can switch it if I don’t have it. Salaam

 Leroy- Canada

Lisa - Canada

I just wanted to thank you for the books that you sent to me :)  They arrived today and I am thrilled!  I wanted to make sure that the donors know that it is very much appreciated.  

     I am low income and have qualifications in medical administration.  With the economy as it is, it's hard to get work when a person doesn't have related work experience to go with the qualifications.  It has helped me in learning what's important in life, as well as a couple friends that are Muslim.  We don't discuss religion, but I am in awe of my one friend.  She glows with a sense of peace and happiness.  She's had quite a life before moving to this country yet she doesn't have bitterness about what's happened in her past.  She's an inspiration to me.  I am also glad of tv being a positive influence as well-Little Mosque on the Prairie and East Enders bring light to Islam and and brings about questions and open discussion to learn about this beautiful religion.  

Thanking you again for the books!

Lisa Canada


Muhammad Y. Al-Kharrat - Canada

Assalamu Alaikum,

This is to confirm that today I got all the books you have sent( two parcels). I went through them and they are excellent books that I am going to share with the mosque and the Islamic Center in the city of my area.

Jazakum Allahu Kharian.


Muhammad Y. Al-Kharrat - Canada


Abdullah - India

Walekum assalam wa rehmatullah hi wa barkatahu

Alhamdulilah, I received the study material for Islam today. I am really very happy and grateful to Allah. I didn't expect the shipment service to be that fast. May Allah bless the donors of this project with The Highest Paradise. Ameen.

May Allah guide us all to the straight path. Ameen.

Assalam walekum wa rehmatullah hi wa barkatahu

Abdullah Umar (Suryakiran Vanapalli)

Servant of Allah

P.S. - Please pray that Allah gives hidaayat to my parents and brother also. Ameen.

Allah hafiz

Abdullah - India




Sarah - United Kingdom

Wa alaikum salaam Prof. Abu-Eshy

Alhamdulilah my books arrived safely today! I am so touched and happy especially to find additional books! Thank you so much for providing this service.

I converted to Islam in 2009 and have recently found out Allah has blessed me with a child alhamdulilah. The knowledge gained through the books in sha Allah will help guide me and my child. I am thrilled to have received more books than I requested, in particular The Quran Translated which I shall pass on to my non Muslim family, in sha Allah they embrace the true beauty of Islam.

May Allah bless you, your family and all the donors for your time and generosity.

Thank you again.

Yours gratefully

Sarah – UK


Susan - United Kingdom

I received the parcel from Doctor Abu Eshy a couple days ago. JazakAllah for sending it to me. I just seen the leaflet to reply and email address it was inside a book. I am so grateful for the books, especially the manner performing prayers and the hard back copy and even the quran is so small but convenient to read and take with me anywhere if I want to read it. This will all make the insight to Islam grow which I can inform other non muslims about too. I Appreciate this all very much. Prayers to all who have donated this to me.

From Susan -UK

Jessica - Australia

Jazak Allah for the books. In our city we have a ''sisters house'' which is used to house Muslim women in need as well as provide a safe friendly environment for all Muslim women in the area to have meetings and get togethers. It is run by a small group of women mostly reverts and is 100% non profit. It also has lessons for beginners in Islam as well as reverts family or any female interested in Islam. Mash Allah it is a lovely group and has provided a great service to our local Muslim community and united all the sisters. As they have to pay rent and all expenses for the group they are always having fundraisers and have little money. If u could send the house a copy of all the books in sha Allah they would be used to help a lot of women and there families struggling to understand why thier daughters have chosen to revert to what seems to them to be an oprressive religion. The books would be out to good use and free for any women in the community to read at thier lessure. Please email me if this seems like something u could do. Salam alikum

Jessica – Australia



Andrew - United States

As salam wa lakum my name is karim shakur and i am currently in prison in georgia and unable to buy my own books so your service is very apprecated may allah reward you all for your efforts of charity.

Andrew - USA