Sylvie - Canada

i want to become converted to islam and reed and comprehend islam i realize more more the logic of this religion now more then ever i can't wait to began to read the holly qu,ran in french my mother thongues it will be the best for me please but if you do not have it in french i could read it in english to start my scholarship but please send me everything you can in french as much as possible am poor not working and dissable . but i crave gods teaching. Choukrane

Sylvie - Canada

Katarzyna - Poland

hi my name is : Katarzyna i have 16 years old i''m from Poland and i know about Islam from some friend from Algeria and he give me the http// So please if i can get some books about Islam by Polish language and English because i want to know more about this nice religion (don''t send the '''' Holy Quran '''' because i need to read about islam then know when i can use that book :) ) i want books talk about Islam,Muslims,Women in Islam and all what you can send

Katarzyna - Poland

Carlo - United States

Salam Alaykum I am a fairly new muslim and have been doing Salah at home or elsewhere. I have not made it to the boise Masjid yet. I''m a little shy in large groups and also have never did salah with a group before,I am a bit nervous always scared I will screw up or something being nervous. I have my own quran and I am also wanting a Holy Quran to give to my step mother she is very interested in islam and learning correctly. She also is Christian and goes to church and quite frankly is tired of the extremism gossip that non muslims talk about she would like to tell people about true good islam and let people know extremism is very bad and un-islamic. Thank You

Carlo - USA

Sanvantez - United States

im in the process of converting to islam.i should be getting some books form yall im just adding you guys to my email contact list.

F Huda - Japan

I would like to say thanks for the books. I am a moslem living in Japan. As a moslem here means become minority. We need to explains many thing about our way of life. This book provide the material in new convert point of view which benefit us and new convert.


I have placed the books you sent in our small musholla, to be read by other moslems and also as material to be discussed with non-moslem especially Japanese.

Once more really appreciate for the books. Jazakumullohu Khoiron Katsiro

F Huda

Gunma University, Japan

Marguerite - United States

If you guy have any other books that you don't mind sending I would be much appreciated. May Allah's mercy shower all who involved in this great program. P.S. my son's and mother love there books, I too have benefited from them.

Marguerite- USA



Michelle - United States

As-salaamu Alaykum, I am currently studying Arabic and found a book at a local masjid for beginner's Arabic and was hoping to find that book online here, as it had a stamp with this url. InshaAllah, if you have that, please send. JazakumAllahu Khayrun.

Giannina - Brazil

Hy there! I’m writing this e-mail with hope that you can help me, I’m a person that never ever before knew about the Islamic Religion … but something amazing happened to me … one month ago I took a taxi to go to my job, in there I found a small book … I took the little book with me, in my break time for lunch, I opened the book and started reading it . it was the Quran … after that day never left that book, I keep it always with me, I learned a lot, I feel my heart touched deeply , something  new happened to my life since that day … I’ll try to get more information about this beautiful religion, but unfortunately here where I live doesn’t exist any place to go to learn, doesn’t have a mosque, I couldn’t foind any Muslim people here.

Please if you could send me some more information about it, about the prayers, about How to be a Muslim I’ll.

Thanks in advance.

I live in Brazil, in small country side, I found your address in the book that I found  inside the taxi.

Tremaine - United States

Thank you very much. I am of no religion But I do believe in God so I''m not atheist. I have read some of Islam and I believe it is correct wanted more information. I was born Christian.

Remi - Canada

I would like to say thank you for the parcel I received today with so many interesting books to read. This was very kind of you to include extra books.  I am looking so forward to reading them.  It is hard to get books like this here where I live. Please thank everyone involved for their generosity and caring. I will be forever grateful.

 Many Blessings to you all.


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