Prequisites and Requirements of Salat

By Dr. Mubarak Ali



According to the Shari’ah, there are two essential components to Siyam: the neyyah, and abstinence. With regard to the neyyah, it must be emphasized that, like Salat, there is no verbal neyyah for keeping the fast as intention is a condition of the heart. The Messenger of Allah (pbuh) said:

Whoever does not determine [have the intention] to fast before fajr (dawn) will have no fast (Hafsa in Ahmad, At-Tirmidhi, Abu Dawud, and Ibn Majah).

The second component of abstinence refers to the aoidance of certain things such as food, drink, sex, and all other acts that are Haram (forbidden) to believers in the first place. One must abstain from these things for a given time period during the day, viz., from dawn to sunset. In other words the fast starts at fajr and ends at maghrib. With regard to starting the fast, The Quraan, in a general way, stipulates both the time for the commencement and breaking of Siyam, as follows:

And eat and drink, until the white thread of dawn appears to you distinct from its black thread; then complete your fast till the night appears… (Surah Al-Baqarah, 2:187).


One who intends to fast should note two important Sunnah of the Messenger of Allah (pbuh) as follows

1. Eat the Sahur (Pre-Dawn Meal)

Although it is not necessary to eat or drink prior to the commencement of the fast, it is greatly recommended to do so. The Messenger of Allah (pbuh) advised on its merits:

Eat a pre-dawn meal (Sahur)[1], for there are blessings in it. (Al-Bukhari and Muslim).

The pre-dawn meal is blessed, so do not neglect it even if only take a sip of water. Verily, Allah and the angles pray for those who have pre-dawn meals (Abu Sa’id Al-Khudri in Ahmad).

The only distinguishing factor between our fasting and that of other people of the Book is Sahri, (that is Chritians and Jews do not eat pre-dawn breakfast) (‘Amr bin Al-Aas in Muslim).

2. Hurry to break the Fast

A saim (person who fasts) is not permitted to delay the breaking of his fast. A soon as the sun sets, the fast must be broken. The Messenger of Allah (pbuh) strongly encouraged breaking the fast[2] on time and not tpo delay it unduly:

The people will always be with the good as long as they hasten in breaking the fast (Sahl ibn Sad in Al-Bukhari and Muslim).

This was also the practice of the faithful companions of the Messenger of Allah (pbuh). One Hadith confirms this Sunnah, as follows:

The companions of Muhammad (pbuh) would be the FIRST to break the fast and the LAST to eat their pre-dawn meals (‘Amr ibn Maimun in al-Baihaqi).

Although one can break his fast with other food or drink, it is Sunnah to break one’s fast with dates or water, in that order of preference. The following tradition establishes this Sunnah al-muakadah, as follows:

The Messenger of Allah (pbuh) would break his fast with ripe dates before he would pray (Maghrib). If those were not available, he would eat dried dates. If those were not available hr would drink some water (Anas in Abu Dawud and Al-Hakim).

In a stronger version, the Messenger of Allah (pbuh) instructed that one uses first, dates, or alternatively, water to break his fast:

If one of you is fasting, he should break his fast with dates. If dates are not available, then with water, for water is purifying (Salman ibn ‘Amr in Ahmad and At-Tirmidhi).

It is not permissible to eat in haste if food is ready. In fact, one must eat first before proceeding to Salat. The messenger of Allah (pbuh) emphasized as follows:

If food is already presented, EAT BEFORE THE SUNSET PRAYER AND DO NOT EAT  YOUR MEALS IN HASTE (Anas in Al-Bukhari and Muslim).

It is greatly recommended to make supplications at the time of breaking fast. The Messenger of Allah (pbuh) would say the following when breaking the fast:


           Allahum-ma laka samtu wa’alaa rizqika aftartu.


           O Allah, for You I have fasted and with Your permission I break my fast.


During the period of fasting, it is forbidden to engage in certain actions that may render the fast null and void. It is to be noted that things tha are forbidden to Muslims are to be avoided in the first  place; they should be avoided more so during the fast. The following six things would break the fast:

1. Intentional Eating or Drinking

Intentional eating or drinking breaks the fast. However, if one forgets and eats or drink, his fast is not broken. The Messenger of Allah (pbuh) said:

Whoever forgets he is fasting, and eats or drinks is to complete his fast, as it was Allah who fed him, and gave him something to drink (Abu Hurairah in Ahmad, al-Bukhari, abu Dawud, Muslim, and Ibn Majah).

2. Sexual Intercourse

Sexual intercourse is only permitted during the nights of Ramadan not during day of fast. The Quraan states:

Permitted to you on the night of the fasts, is the approach to your wives (Surah Al-Baqarah, 2:187)

3. Menstrual Discharge

Menstrual discharge breaks the fast[3]. One Hadith confirms this as follows:

When we would have our menses during the lifetime of the Prophet (pbuh), we were ordered to make up the days of fasting that we had missed but were not ordered to make up the prayers that we had missed (‘Aishah in Al-Bukhari and Muslim).

4. Childbirth Bleeding

Similar to menses, childbirth bleeding breaks the fast[4].

5. Intentional Vomiting

Intentionally vomiting breaks the fast. The Messenger of Allah (pbuh) said:

Whoever is overcome and vomits is not to make up the day. Whoever vomits intentionally must make up the day (Abu Hurairah in Ahmad, Abu Dawud, Al-Tirmidhi, Ibn Majah, Ibn Hibban, Ad-Daraqutni, and Al-Hakim).

6. The Intention to break the Fast

Beacause Siyam, like all other actions, are based first on intention, as much as the intention to fast constitute fasting, intention to break the fast renders the fast null and void without further action.

It is important to note that willful breaking of the Ramadan fast renders the fast completely unattainable even if one fasts perpetually. The Messenger of Allah (pbuh) cautioned:

Whoever breaks the fast during Ramadan without having one of the excuses that Allah would excuse him for, then even a perpetual fast, if he were to fast it, would not make up for that day (Abu Hurairah in Abu Dawud, Ibn Majah, and At-Tirmidhi).

Following the rules of Fiqh (Jurisprudence), whatever is not forbidden is permissible . Thus, all other acts not stated here are therefore permissible; they do not injure the fast, though some of them might be disliked.

(Source: The Muslim Handbook)

[1]  The timing of the pre-dawn meal (sahur) is between the middle of the night and dawn. It is however, best to delay this meal as close as possible to dawn (Zaid ibn Thabit in Al-Bukhari and Muslim).

[2]  The time for breaking the fast (taking Iftar) is at Sunset (Maghrib).

[3]  As with Salat, breaking the fast here also means that a female is not allowed to fast when she is having period.

[4] As with Salat, women are not allowed to fast while experiencing post childbirth bleeding.


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