Prequisites and Requirements of Salah

By: Dr. Mubarak Ali

9. Recite Additional Portions of the Quraan

After reciting Surah Al-Fatihah, it is Sunnah as well as mustahab[1] (recommended) to recite another Surah or selected parts or verses of the Quraan. For our purpose here, Surah Al-Kafirun, chapter 109, will be selected for further recitation.[2]



Qul yaa iy-yu hal kaafirun (1), laa a’abudu maa ta’a budun (2), wa laa antum ‘aabiduna maa a’abud (3), wa laa ana ‘aabidum-maa ‘abat-tum(4), wa laa antum ‘aabiduna maa a’abud (5). La kum dinukum wa liya din (6).


In the name of Allah, the Beneficent, the Merciful

Say: O Disbelievers (1), I serve not that which you serve (2) Nor do you serve Him Whom I serve (3), Nor shall I serve that which ye serve (4), Nor do you serve Him Whom I serve (5). For you is your religion and for me is my religion (6).

10. Pronounce the Second Takbir and Make the Ruku’

After reciting an additional Surah (or ayat) from the Quraan, (in our case Surah Al-Kafirun) pronounce the second takbir (Allahu Akbar) loudly. In doing so, raise the hands to the level of the shoulders as in the manner of the first takbir.

The ruku’ (bowing) is performed immediately after the second takbir. The correct position for the ruku’ is to bow completely, placing both hands on the corresponding knees (i.e. right hand on right knee and left hand on left knee) while in that position.

11. While in the position of ruku’ one can remember Allah as one wished and even make supplications (‘Aishah in Ahmad, Al-Bukhari, Muslim and others). However, it is more consistent to say the following tasbih silently, three times or at least once[3]


Subhaana Rabbiyal ‘azim


Glory to my Lord, the Great.

(Source: The Muslim Handbook by Dr. Mubarak Ali)

(To be continued)


[1] Referring to additional recitation after Al-Fatihah, the Messenger of Allah (pbuh) said: 'Would any one of you like, when he returns to his family, to find there three large, fat pregnant she-camel? We said: ‘Yes’. Upon this, he said: ‘Three verses [of the Quraan] that one of you recites in your prayer [after Al-Fatihah] are better than the three large, fat pregnant she-camels’ (Abu Hurairah in Muslim). Also the following Hadith uphold: “We were ordered to recite the opening chapter of the Quraan and what (else) was easy (for us)” (Abu Sa;id in Abu Dawud).


[2] Consider the selection of this Surah as arbitrary as selection of any other Surah (or ayat) is equally valid.

[3]One can say the tasbih from one to a maximum number of ten times (Anas in Ahmad, Abu Dawud and An-Nasa’i).


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