Combating Terrorism

Combating Terrorism


Dr. Ali S. Awadh Asseri

(Former Saudi Ambassador to Lebanon)


Saudi Strategy against Terrorism:

Domestic Dimensions


                                                                                POLICY GUIDELINES

In order to make its fight against terrorism effective and viable, the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia has adopted a number of policy guidelines. These guidelines are an outcome of a realization on the part of the Saudi leadership that ignorance of Islamic precepts and the principal objectives of the Shariah, together with an inherent fanaticism of thought, constitute the primary reasons spurring terrorist activities.

     The domestic policy guidelines include a firm stand based on the Islamic Shariah and the traditions of the holy Prophet (pbuh), a commitment to countering terrorism in all its forms and manifestations, undertaking steps for creating an enabling environment for condemning terrorist activities in all walks of life, introducing an educational curriculum at all levels with emphasis on the primary principles of moderation and tolerance, extending moral and material assistance to security personnel entrusted with the task of countering terrorism, including financial assistance to such families that have suffered loss of life or property during their encounters with terrorists, and extending medical and financial support to all its, citizens and residents who have been affected on account of terrorism to alleviate their sufferings.