Real & Wonderful Stories

Real & Wonderful Stories

Compiled by: Abdurahim bin Mizhir Almalki

Fathima Liebenberg

     I am a white Muslim woman converted to Islam in 1995. I am very proud to say I am a Muslim. For me it was a hard and long struggle because it cost me my job, friends and family.

     I was a very pious Christian who went to Pentecostal churches. I used to collect the street children and take them to the church and Sunday school. My life consisted only of reading and studying the Bible, until my son told me about Islam.

     My son came home one day and said, “Mummy, why don’t you become a Muslim?” I was shocked at the very idea and said, “Never.” He said, “Mummy, Islam is such a pure and clean religion; they pray five times a day.” That is when I decided to read books and the translation of the Noble Qur’an. The more I read the Qur’an, the more I was convinced that Islam was for me. I turned to Allah and finally I found peace and tranquility. I hid it from my family until one day I decided to phone my brother and tell him I was now a Muslim.

     My brother was so shocked because we were very devoted Christians, and I was the only one to be converted to Islam. My family phoned me about a year ago and told me never to contact them again, as I now was no longer their sister. I love my family very much and miss them, but I know one day we will meet again, in-sha-Allah.

     I was so happy when I received my Muslim Identity Card that I felt like standing on the roof tops and shouting out to the world that I am a Muslim. I lost my family bur gained a new family in Islam. My new family, the Muslims, were so wonderful, I cannot express it.

    I have worn the hijab since I became a Muslim and will never take it off. My only wish is to go to Makkah, even though I doubt that it will be possible. But in-sha-Allah one day Allah will provide me with the means to reach there. Each time I want to be closer to Allah, I read the hadiths of our beloved Prophet (pbuh).

     Islam is a way of life. Islam means peace, and a Muslim is one who strives for peace through his submission to Allah. A Muslim’s first duty is to Allah the Almighty, and it is out of his deep love for Allah that his duties become acts of devotion.

     It is no easy task for me as a white Muslim lady living among Christians, but I keep my head up high, as I am so very proud to be a Muslim. My dear brothers and sisters, if you were born Muslim but have not been dutiful, it is not too late. You can start tomorrow or even tonight. Brothers and sisters, keep your heads high and show the world that you are proud to be Muslims.