Pierre Parenteau - Canada

Dear Brother,
Thanks a lot for the books.  I learned a lot about Islam.
They are great.
Selam Alekum.
Pierre Parenteau – Canada

Salaaams - Uganda

Asalaam alykum,

How are you team,and thanks for the work you do....!
Accordingly, i wish to notify you that the books that were dispatched
to me by post....I received them so safely 10 in number on Monday.
Thank you very much.
And i can asssure you the way am going to understand my religion may
change because all along i was looking for this such literature to
further the knowledge i have for my religion..BARAK'ALLAHU'FIQUM

May Allah you and the generosity of the sponsors so abundantly
Salaaams. – Uganda

Jasmin K. - Austria

Assalam alaikum dear brothers,

I got a few days ago the ordered books from you. May Allah s.w.t. reward you for your effort.

BarakAllahu fikhum

Jasmin K. – Austria

Amran Masillam - Philippines

Assalamu Alaikum!!!!!!!!! Sir i do appreciate the books that you have sent, Thank you very much........  Sir, kindly send me another, if you have books of Ahadith an a holy Qur-an with english translation, it would be better............ May Allah grant you and the benevolent donors a good reward and goodluck!!!

Amran Masillam – Philippines

Emir Hodžić - Bosnia and Herzegovina


EsSelamu alejkum we rahmetullahi we berekatuhu dear,
I want to inform you that i got these nice books. May Allah bless you and give you everything the best in both worlds. Amin.

Emir Hodžić - Bosnia & Herzegovina

Aldrich Thiel - Netherlands

Dear Brother Prof. Abdullah Abu-Eshy,

Wasalamu Alaikum,

I like to thank you for your email about the books.

May the peace of allah be with you, his blessings and his mercy.

I will let you know as soon as I receive the books.

Please let me know if in any way I can contribute.

As from march next year I will be more financially able to contribute, especially for causes like this, as people is taking knowledge from the books you offer!

Maybe by then I can pay the price of the books and the shipping, so other people with less resources can be able to profit of this!


Aldrich Thiel – The Netherlands

Javaid Shah - Pakistan

sir i have received u r books thinks for sending me these books because these books i sent to my friend she is live in USA because she is new Muslim if u send me some more book for beginner Muslim because she is new in Islam i wanna post to her these all books in English language.

if you have any question ask me any time...


Javaid Shah – Pakistan

Hja. Sitti Rizza - United Arab Emirates

Salaam Alaikum wa Rahmat Allah


I would like to sincerely thank you so much for the knowledgeable books you have sent me. It was so all so fantastic and its an honor for me to have a copy for myself. thank you so so so much. May Allah S.W.T rewards you for your generosity, and may your office will last longer so that you can help more people like me who seeks Islamic Knowledge.

thank you so much

Hja. Sitti Rizza Biteng – UAE

Magdalena - United Kingdom

Asalaam Alaykum , i got the books 3 days ago, thank you very muchi just hope you keep doing what you do now,insha'Allah, its amazing how much you are helping people, thank you :)

Magdalena Krzyzaniak – UK

Yanthi Siswarini - Indonesia


Dear Sir/Madam,

I am Yanthi Siswarini Maryam, or you can just call me Yanthi. I last time sent you a request for 4 books as I ticked on your web. 

Alhamdulillah, yesterday, Thursday, December 16, 2010, I have received 5 books plus 1 'The Noble Qur'an' with English translation.

Here are the books I have received:
1. A View Through Hijab by Khaula Nakata
2. A Brief Summary of Fiqh Essentials by Saheeh International
3. Essential Lessons for Every Muslim by Sheikh Abdul-Azis bin Abdullah bin Baz
4. The Universality of Islam by Dr. Abdallah Al-Kahtany
5. A Brief Illustrated Guide to Understanding Islam by I. A. Ibrahim
6. The Noble Qur'an with English translation.

I am very pleased to receive all of those books. As I work as an English teacher in a boarding school, an Islamic Boarding School, those books are very useful to support my lack of information about Islam in English. I wish I could get more copies of the same books and also other books titles.


It's a new school. And the second school of Nurul Fikri Foundation. The 1st school is in Anyer, Banten, Indonesia.

For further information and to know more about the school where I am teaching, please visit our website: 

We have 2 libraries. 1 for female students and the other for male students. The limited of sources, especially books about Islam in English, sometimes get me stuck for improving my teaching English with information or example from Islamic stories, history, founding, inventions, so on.

Would you please send me more good books that can support my teaching job?

Thank you very much, I look forward to your reply.

Yanthi Siswarini Maryam



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