Sally - United Kingdom

Dear Abha Cooperative Centre 

         Thank you for sending the gift of the books to me , they reached me in perfect condition and were a pleasant surprise this morning .I will enjoy reading them and to understanding more about Islam .

Thank you very much

Kind regards .....

Sally - UK


Rebecca - United Kingdom

Hi it's Rebecca Church, Thank you SO much for the books. I just received them!! I am so so overwhelmed and really happy. Thank you so much. I now have a mini Quran!! Awesome! I have lots of books to get me going learning more about Islam! Thank you for your generosity. May Allah bless you!!!

  Rebecca - UK

Marlyn - Brunei Darussalam

Assalamu'alaikum wa rahmatullahi wa barakatuh,

I would like to inform you that the books have reached the shores of Brunei Darussalam safe and sound and that I have received them. It was one of the happiest days of my life! JazakumAllah khairan kathira for the books and I pray that what the organization and the donors are doing in their attempt to educate as well as equip the Ummah with beneficial knowledge will never falter, Ameen! I also for the continued success of this programme. Thank you again and may Allah bless all of you always. :)

Yours sincerely,

Marlyn - Brunei Darussalam

Public Library - Mauritius

Respected Brother,

  Assalamu'alikum Wa rahmatullah

Alhamdullilah on Saturday 11/02/2012 I received the books requested in good conditions. These books will be used for dawah purposes up to my ability and capacity Insha'Allah.


My dear brother, am actually working as Library Clerk in a public library "The Leoville L'homme City Library" where more than 15000 Mauritians all around the island borrow books and DVDs. Mauritius is a multi racial country where Islam is in minority and dominated by Hinduism and Christianity. As the Senior Librarian and other supervisors are non-Muslims, they don't buy books relating to Islam and the quotas for such books are limited. 


The library is the most appropriate place to do dawah my beloved brother but unfortunately we don't have the appropriate resources and as you know its really difficult for non-Muslims to buy books on Islam. The Christian missionary on its part gives books on Christianity as donation on a regular basis and this is endangering Islam in Mauritius.

In this context my dear brother, am making an appeal to your organization if books can be sent as donation to the "Leoville L'homme City Library." This will be a good investment and Insha'Allah we will be greatly rewarded for this my brother.


Let me know by mail on my e-mail address if you are interested in this project my dear brother and Insha'Allah I will send you all details about how to send these books.


May you receive this e-mail in the best of your health!

Jazaak'Allah Khair.


Public Library -  Maurities

Kiria - United States

Asalamo Alaikum:

      Dear brothers/sisters:

                  I just want to let you know that I received the precious books you sent me.  I apologize that I could not answer before; I lost the sheet with your email but I am greatly thankful for the books you sent me.  I love them and will pass them so other sisters will benefit from the information.  May Allah subhana wa ta'ala bless you and bless all the benevolent donors. Take care, Kiria

♥ "Dirán que vas por un camino equivocado, si vas por tu camino" ♥

 .لا حول ولا قوة الا بالله


Kiria – USA

Amel - Jordan

As-salamu Alaykum,

This is just a quick note to thank you for the free books I ordered They arrived  to my home in Jordan yesterday. I am really enjoying the books and will be sure to share them with others.

May Allah SWT reward the donors for their generosity.


Amel - Jordan


Hicham - Poland

Thank you very much for sending the parcel of the requested books.
I’ll be very happy if you could send me a book about the life of the Prophet pbuh in English for my wife who is Christian and would like to know more about our prophet Mohammad pbuh.

thank you very much.

Hicham - Poland

Carlos - United Kingdom

I would like as many books as possible to study from if possible. I have read the translated Quran into English and I want to know as much as possible about this wonderful religion. Thank you :)

Carlos - UK

Lindsay - Canada

Walikum asalam, I received the book shipment and mashallah it has been so helpful. Even my born Muslim friends read some of the books and loved them. Thank you so much for all your hard work. Inshallah have a wonderful day, and thank you again.

Lindsay - Canada

 Muhammad - India

Message: Assalaamu Allaikum Wa Rahmatullaahi Wa Barakaatuh brother!! we are a group of friends which does Da''wah activities in our city and over internet under the group ITP [Invitation Towards Peace]..

we all are students, mostly engineering and some medical as well!! Alhamdulillah, in the past, we have organised many programs and gathering imparting Islamic knowledge and clearing their misconceptions about Islam. so, with regard to the Grp''s Da''wah activities, we wanted to request you, kindlys send us some Islamic literature for Da''wah and Islah work... as being college students we are facing accurate scarcity of literature... this is my facebook profile, and I am the head of this group,

so its an humble request with u, on behalf of all the group members, that kindly send some Islamic literature for Islahi-Da''wati work, as we are great in need of it!! will b waiting for ur reply and further information of postal adress and contact number. jaza kallah khair

 Muhammad - India.


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