Khan - Philippines

Assalamu Alaykum wa Rahmatullah..


To my beloved Muslim Brothers/Sisters in ABHA COOPERATIVE CENTER, thank you very much for the Books you've sent to me.. I pray for more health, and blessings for you.. I am so happy for these books that I can also the knowledge to my friends... 

Though far away from K.S.A, InshaAllah someday we will see each other brothers.. Maassalam...

Khan - Philippines


Aweda - Nigeria

Salam alaikun, pls I want to know about Islam very well because has been diverted to christian.pls help me out. THANKS FOR YOUR POSITIVE CONSIDRATION.

Aweda - Nigeria

Jaffer - Tanzania

Alhamdo lilahe rabal alameen, was salto wassalmo ala ashraful ambiae wal mursaleen.

Asalamo alaykum wa rahmatullahi wa ba rakatuhu.

Thanks for sending 7 beautiful books. But at my age of 64, I find the Quran kareem writing very small, so i gave it to my nephew. I shall also share other books with my relatives. If possible could you send me a Quran of larger size like 7'' by 8'' inches with english translation.

May Allah subhanahu watala shower his rehma on All of you and all the Donors.

Jazakalla khair.  Fiamanallah.

Jaffer - Tanzania

Adam - Canada

Hello, I am a non-Muslim, Roman Catholic Christan, who wants to learn more about Islam. I am writing to request the free books you offer. If you can please send me these, I would greatly appreciate it. Thank you!

Adam - Canada

Olawale - Nigeria

This is to inform you that i 0 law ale Saheed from Nigeria have received the material that you sent to me. I say Jazakumullah akhra.

Olawale - Nigeria

Saidah - Colombia

Assalamu alaikum brother Abdullah Abu-Eshy.

I hope you are fine , insha Allah .

Thanks a lot for your email and for the sending of the books , Jazaka allah khairan.

I will wait them with lot pleasure, and when I receive them i will inform you , insha Allah .

assalamu alaikum,

Saidah - Colombia

Sikandar - India

Asalam Alaikum ............. .

Thanks a lot sir, i have received ur books  I m much happy n may almighty endow u and every muslim to enlight others as much possibleAllah hafizzzzzzzzzz

Sikandar - India

Muhammad - Pakistan

Respected Prof.Abdullah Abu-Eshy

Assalamu Alaikum,

It is to inform you that i have received the package,and i am very thankful to you.

Muhammad – Pakistan  

Dina - Netherlands Antilles

Respected Prof. Abdullah Abu-Eshy,

Assalamu Aleikum wa Rahmat Allahu wa Barakatu,

I'm so happy to notify you that I have just received the books, Jazak Allahu Khaiyran!

May Allah bless you all for this amazing effort you have done and still are doing for myself and my fellow brothers and sisters fi deen, insha Allah.

With kind regards and appreciation,

Dina - The Netherlands

 Sadiq - United Kingdom

Assalamoalaikum warahmatuAllahe wabarakatuhu!

      I pray to Allah swt that you receive this email with the best of your health and Iman, ameen.  May Allah swt shower His mercy and blessings on all brothers and sisters who are involved in dawah as well as on all the Ummah, amen.

      First of all thank you so much (Jazak Allah Khairun) for the beautiful books which you sent me which I have received few weeks ago, please accept my sincere apology for not acknowledging earlier.

All the books which you sent are so beautiful and beneficial for dawah purposes, we are doing regular dawah at Kilburn, London every Saturday from 11am till 07pm and alhamduliAllah every week Allah swt guides people to Islam, one of our brother Dr. Fazal he recorded some of the live dawah and put it on youtube, if you go to youtube and type "dawah is easy" you will see some of our videos.  One of the book which you sent me with the title "My Great Love for Jesus Led Me to Islam" by Simon Alfredo Caraballo, I would like to order about 100 copies for dawah purposes and inshaAllah I am willing to pay for that, could you please let me know how much will it cost me?

May Allah (swt) accept all our efforts and guide the entire world to His true path, ameen.

Jazak Allah Khair

 Your brother

 Sadiq - UK


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