Aldona - Lithuania

Hello, this book is for my Christian grandmother who is really interested in Islam Allahamdulilla. Sadly you don’t have books in Lithuanian.

Thank you .


Vina - United Kingdom

Thank you for sending me the books.

I have received them and know that they will guide me.

I found that your website helped in finding the right start for me. Before ordering your books, I had a look at several bookshops, where there was quite a lot of literature about converting in circulation and didn't know where to begin

I felt that I was responsible for educating myself and not only rely on learning from the snippets of information that I would find online that I found accessible.  Therefore, I am also looking forward to viewing the New Muslim Course.

I now feel that I am in the right place.

Thank you for helping me,

Vina – UK

Ann - Canada

Dear Brother/Sister,

The books arrived today and I am so grateful. I will first be reading The New Muslim Guide.

I read the Quran via online in English a few years back. I had searched for it since I was a little girl in a Christian church who was trying to make me understand how God was like an egg in 3 forms as one. The shell, the white and the yolk ( the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit). It never felt right to me and to finally find a faith that was very clear and certain that God/Allah is in fact only ONE. 

Sadly I had been searching online for more answers to help me on my path and starting to question this faith due to finding too many evil men 'claiming' to be true Muslim and yet their actions and words did not match what I understood from the Quran. 

I have subscribed to the youtube site you recommended and an excited to be back moving forward on my journey with Islam. 

Thank you so very much

Ann – Canada

Emily - United Kingdom

As-salamu alaykum,

I came home from work yesterday to the delivery of books that I ordered. They have put a big smile on my face and I am so looking forward to reading and learning more. insha'Allah these books will help me to continue on the right path and increase my knowledge. Once I have read them I will pass them to my family in the hope of bringing the same light Islam has brought into my life, to them.

Thank you so much for your kindness in sending this information for free, may God bless you all.

Emily – UK

Anisha - United Kingdom

Through watching a YouTube video on recommend Islamic books.

It gives me true joy to learn about your website. I am an 18 year old Muslim trying to learn more about the beauty of Islam. So thank you. May Allah grant you Jannah.

Anisha – UK


Timothy - United States

I am struggling Muslim living in a small town where I am the only Muslim.. I converted to Islam but I dont have any help with increasing my knowledge of Deen so insha Allah these books can help me hopefully insha Allah . If you could please send me a couple qurans that I can learn from.

Timothy – USA

Jennifer - Canada

I really appreciate this service that you are providing . I am eager to learn about Islam and it's amazing that you are making it possible for people to have access to knowledge to help others discover the truth.

Jennifer – Canada

Milagro - Peru

Assalamu Alaikum I sincerely wish the holy book of Islam, because I need to learn how to be a better Muslim doing everything that God sends inshallah, to follow the teachings of the prophet, I am a Peruvian Muslim speaking a wonderful year ago, my life changed since I accepted Islam I feel blessed.

Al hamdu lillah. La ilaha illa Allah.

Milagro – Peru

Kimberly - United States

I embraced Islam 10 years ago but have lost my way for the last several years. I want to find my way back and I feel the beat way is to start from the beginning, remembering why I fell in love with Islam and the peace it brought me. May Allah reward you for these gifts you give.

Kimberly – USA


Ambria - United States

Alhamdulillah! Thank you so much for this website! I recently reverted to Islam and am SUPER excited to learn more about my religion. I believe the books that are provided through this website will do just that!

Ambria – USA