Aishat - Nigeria

Assalamu Alaikum brothers and sisters working tierelessly in propagation the word of Allah.   This is to acknowledge the receipt of books despatched to me via address Abuja Nigeria.

In order to assist you and join you in propagation of Islam and derive the benefit from Allah (SWT) I donated these books to a newly opened Mosque in my area so that alot of people will derive knowledge from them.

Thank you. May Allah (SWT) continue to assist you and rewards you.

Aishat - Nigeria



Madhat - United States

I right you to inform you that I have humbly and graciously received the parcel of books that were requested from your organization. I truly do appreciate this wondeful gift. It is a most gracious gift. Ahamdulillah. It is surly to be a great asset to me as I journey into my new faith of islam. Inshallah, may I find strength, peace and tranquility in my new faith. Again, I thank you. May Allah bless you and all those you come into contact with, abundantly. 



Madhat - USA



Dodik - Hungary

Assalamualaikum Warahmatullahi Wabarakatuh 

I have received the package this evening. Thank you so much for the books. I do hope i can use and give it to my friends in hungary who wants to study more about Islam.

Have a great day.

Jazakumullah khairan katsira.

Wassalammualaikum Warahmatullahi Wabarakatuh 



Warm Regard,

Dodik - Hungary



James - United States

I have received my beautiful package of books. I am truly grateful for all that I have received. Inshalla I will gain much knowledge from these books and it will allow me to give Dawah and inshAlla  bring others to this great dean. My heart is filled with happiness and can't wait to start learning and sharing my knowledge. I will offer prayer for all you who are involved with the Dawah project.

James - USA



Thomas Simmons - United States

Please send all I need to know to embrace Islam

Thomas - USA

Daramola Ayo - Nigeria

I appreciate your effort at making it possible for people to have access to islam through you.

I have just beggin to associate myself with some muslim worshiper because I am just a new begginer in islam. I dont have a quoran to read please kindly send one to me because I was a christian before now and I am seriously being persecuted for the change .  Kindly assist me to know more about islam and prophet mohammed in detail.


Please any help you can render to me shall be appreciated because I am already forsaken by my people, in fact feeding is a bit difficult not to talk about the clothing and shelther.  It is some people that are currently assisting me financially and other wise secretly. 


Please and Please I dont want to be frustrated to go back again. please help me with the quoran and other possible assistance.



Daramola Ayo

Melanie - Pakistan

I am sending this email to acknowledge that Maria Rafi from Pakistan has received the books. The reason I am sending this on her behalf is because the books were meant for her sister in law and friend, which is me. I am a recent convert and these books came at a perfect time. I can't thank you enough for this great gift. I pray that Allah rewards you and all the donors for this great generosity. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you.


Best Regards,

Your new sister in Islam

Lucien - France

Salamalicoum, thank you very much for sending me the books, I am very heureux. Milles times thank you to you for helping me to direct me to the right you garde. Merci chemin. Que Allah.

Lucien - France

Malano Mai - Philippines

Bismillahirahmanirraheem and Assalamu''alaikum Dear sir, We are knocking your good heart to please send us Islamic books for our upcoming mini Islamic Library, Inshaa Allah. This library will be open to public especially for the Muslim youth who are craving for Islamic knowledge but do not have Islamic reference books to read. We don''t have Islamic library & Islamic bookstore in our town that is why it’s hard for us to gather Islamic books. Alhamdulillah, I came across with your site and saw the FREE BOOKS offer. This is a blessing from Allah and the answer to my prayer. Maybe, you are the instrument of Allah who can help us for the realization of our Islamic library project, Inshaa Allah. We are really in need of Islamic books because school libraries are dominated by western books with corrupted ideologies, as a result Islamic ignorance became rampant among the youth today. I am looking forward for your positive reply.

Thank you and wassalam.

Your sister in faith, 

Malano Mai

Ewelina - United Kingdom

Salamu Alykum

I am very grateful for all these books I get them yesterday. With pleasure I will read them at my new life with Islam . I hope that I will became very good Muslim.


Regards Ewelina – Scotland


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