Danielle Easterbrook - United Kingdom

Salamulakim. Thank you so so much for these books they came to me yesterday. They are amazing and are really going to help me to convert. May Allah bless you massively !!! 

Sister Danielle Easterbrook - UK


Solarvia - Mexico

As salam Aleykum Wa Rahmatulah Wa Barakatuh

 Respected Brother / Sister I just write this email to inform you that I received this November the parcel with my books, I’m so pleased and thankful with you all, may Allah bless you all and increase their blessings inshaallah,

Jazak Allah Khair .

Thank you I love my books all of them.

Ashadu An La Ilaha Illa Allah, Wa Ashadu Anna Muhammadan Rasul-llah ๑۩۞۩

Arq. Leticia Castro Huitron Mennat Allah Muhammad

Solarvia  - Mexico


Billy - United States

wa alaikum assalam,

Thank you for sending the books. I am a new Muslim I converted on February 3, 2012. These books will help me out a lot since there are no mosques or any Muslims in my area. 

 Thanks again, 


Billy - USA


Abdul Kareem - United Kingdom

Asalaamu alaykum wa Rahmatullaah

 Al Hamdulillaah today I recieved your parcel of Islamic and Arabic books.

 My wife and I are both reverts and endeavouring to raise and educate our two children according to the Qur'aan and the Sunnah in non-ideal surroundings in the UK, and so this resource pack will be of significant value to our entire family as none of us are fluent in Arabic yet. 

 We very much appreciate this gift.  May Allaah Aza wa Jal reward you for your endeavours.  JazakAllaah khayrun wa BarakAllaah feekum.

 Wasalaam alaykum            

Abdul Kareem

Katie - United Kingdom

Aslaam alikum, I want to revert to islam and just researching on the Internet for the basic information ;) and I came across this website and I thought it was so nice for you to help people out with books ect :) thank you

Katie – England

Vicky - United Kingdom

Walakum salaam,

I am so happy and proud to be a Muslim and I have met so many amazing people who are always so willing and helpful and inviting and this is what the ummah is/should be about. It is a beautiful religion and without Allah’s guidance to this path and the knowledge I have been able to gain I would not be able to appreciate what Islam really is.

However all praise to Allah!

And for all the people who have helped me and continue to help me.. may Allah reward them.

And for all the work you do and the people you help I will keep you all in my prayers.
I truly enjoy reading and appreciate you sending me some more books, I can’t thank you enough for your kindness and I look forward to reading them inshallah.

Jazak Allah for all your help!

Vicky - UK


Maria Fernanda - Colombia

Salam alaykum respected brother Dr. Abdullah Abu-Eshy. 


Thank you for your kind words. And I can't thank the benevolent donor enough for the amount of books that were sent to me. I have already began to read and I am very happy to learn more every day about the true path. 


The only book that I am missing is the Holy Quran. I know there are online versions, but I would love to have it in paper so I won't need to spend much time on the computer. A long time ago, a sister in islam showed me a version in arabic of course with the english translation, and it had annotations that seemed really useful in every sura. Can you recommend me any particular version like this? In my country it would be impossible to find considering the muslim population is VERY small. Nevertheless, I would be willing to find a way to purchase it online. Any advise from you would be very useful. God bless you always.


Maria Fernanda B.Q  - Colombia

Elizabeth - United States

I thank you do much for what you are doing. I cant wait to receive these books. i have only recently learned the little i do know about islam but i do know its the truth. I just want to learn more. I just want to be a better muslim.

Elizabeth - USA

Andrea - Ecuador

I want to be a muslim, but I don''t know any muslims on my city and there is not a mosque in my city where I can go, so I would like to receive Quran and islamic books in spanish, I really want to be a muslim.

Andrea – Ecuador

Laila - Australia

Asalamualaikum wa rahmatAllahi wabarakatu My daughter has ordered from this site before and I found that the books She has received were fantastic Alhamdullah. I have a friend who is Spanish that is interested in learning about Islam so I want to get her some books and I immediately thought of Islamunveiled. I am really grateful that you have books in English and Spanish so it will make it easier for her. If there are any books that you recommend for her over a book that I have selected, then please include that book instead. Jazzakum Allah khair

Laila – Australia