Escriva - France

   Bonjour, je tiens a vous remercier pour le don de livres que j'ai reçu. Je tiens a vous remercier sincerement car grace a vous je peux suivre le droit chemin en aprenant a faire la priére et suivre le chemin de la vérité. Il n'y a de Dieu que Dieu et Mohammed est le prophete de Dieu. Que ALLAH vous remercie. Aurevoir.



Hello, I want to thank you for the gift of books that I received. I want to thank you sincerely because thanks to you I can follow the right path to make Learning a prayer and follow the path of truth. There is no God but God and Mohammed is the prophet of God. That ALLAH Thank you. Goodbye.

Charito - United Arab Emirates

Assalamu alaikum!


I am very pleased to tell you that I received the books that you have sent for me, and sorry for informing you about it late - actually i receieved it on 28 August 2014.


And another good news - I have already reverted to Islam just last Friday. No words can describe how much I felt. Well for now, I am doing all my best to be a good muslimah and I need all the help and support. I am practicing a lot on how to properly do the salat, but sadly I am having difficulty memorizing the prayers and kept on making mistakes...last night when I did my Maghrib, I think I did it for about an hour =(

But I know InshaAllah one day I will do it well.


Thank you very much.


Assalamu alaikum!


Charito – UAE

Patel - United Kingdom


Thank you for my books I received very kind of you send them to me. I am going to be converting soon inshallah and the books will help learn May Allah bless you

Patel- UK  


Nick Wilson - United States

To Whom It May Concern;

I am writing to inform you that I did receive my package. Thank you for all of your assistance in helping me find the truth.  I have decided to accept Islam as my way of life... I cannot thank you enough for all your help. Peace and Blessings.
Nick– USA


Mike - United States

I am the Chaplain for the Fayette County Sheriff''s Office. I am requesting Islamic literature for our inmates. Thank You!

Mike– USA


Paulina - Poland

Salamu Alykum,

merci beaucoup pour les livres, jai bien recu le courier, je suis tres hereuse et j'espere apprendre le maximum que possible.


Many thanks for the books, I am so glad and hope to learn lot of things and be able to change m religion in the future.



Paulina – Poland

Nicola Cordts - Germany

Assalamu Alaykom,

I wish to thank you so much for the books and brochures you have sent me and receiving this beautifully  designed translation of the Quran into my language German has been a great surprise.

I have just converted to Islam about 2 weeks ago but it isn't official yet. Insha Allah I am going to  publically convert in a mosque on my wedding day next month when I will marry my Muslim fiancée Abdallah.

It is wonderful you are sending Islamic material free of charge to people all around the globe.

However I must note after briefly flipping through one of the books that I know one point is different in the  bible than described in your book.

It is about the point where it was said that Jesus abstained from alcohol. However there is a famous report about him having transformed water into wine on the occasion of a wedding celebration.

So he even made alcohol himself and he didn't prohibit it in itself. He prohibited drunkenness and excessive use of alcohol.

Anyway I'm sending you greetings from my country Germany.


C. (Nicola Cordts)

James - United States

Salaam: I am the Chaplain at the State of Maine mental health facility in Augusta. I have several patients who are Muslim and I also want to educate my staff about Islam. Any materials and Qur’ans you could provide will be greatly appreciated (Insha’Allah) and used wisely. Thank you for your consideration

Chaplain Howard Harner - United States

I am the Senior Chaplain of a maximum security prison with over 3,600 offenders. I would appreciate all the materials and Qurans that you could share so that I could meet the needs of the men. Thank You

Chaplain Howard Harner  - U.S.A.

Ela Owedyk - Poland

Assalamu Alaikum Wa Rahmatullahi Wa Barakatuh!

 Dear and Respected Brother!

 I would like to infom You that I received shipment, Alhamdullilah! I don't know how to thank You for such useful and interesting books. I really miss Islamicliterature and thank's to You I have a great opportunity to study now and to improve my knowledge about islam, insha'Allah. Currently I live in Poland and I'm reverted muslim woman. I'm very interested about books written by muslim Arab women about islam. If You would be so kind to recommend me a few women authors I will be very pleased.

 May Allah bless You for this great job and may Allah increase Your konwledge for such good deeds. Thank You so much for everything!


 sincerely yours

 Ela Owedyk


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