Dee S - United Kingdom

Assalamu allaukom wa rahmatulahu wa barakatuh

i just would to to notify that i have recieved the islamic books that i ordered a few weeks back.

Jazaka'allah khair for the Islamic books, May Allah reward all the brothers and sisters that are involved in this project=))

Wa Allaykom Assalam wa rahmatulahu wa barakatuh

Dee S - UK

Bushra - South Africa

salaamu alaikom

alhamdulillah i am privileged to inform you about the books i have recieved, jazakallah khair 4 you gr8 work and thanx so much, really apprecuated.

Bushra - South Africa

Sheyla Boscana - United States

Assalamu Alaikom,

I am writing to say that I recieved the books today and will be begin reeading them as soon as this email is sent. I nave been studying Islam for a long time and hope to convert before the end of the year. Your books will help a lot with both my studies and my conversion. Thank you very much.

Your truly,

Sheyla Boscana - USA

Issa Issa - United Kingdom

My wife just convert to Islam she liik for DVD which show how to pray if you have any idea please email me where i can found it. my original she is british and she come from the family where they never talk about Islam so she need to have a DVD and some books for beginner am trying to teach her but she need to learn more than.

Issa Issa - UK

Magdalena Krzyzaniak - United Kingdom

salaam, can you please send the books in some sort of a package that doesnt reveal what is inside? im a revert and i still live with my parents, they know nothing about it, i dont want them to kick me out when they find out... Thank you..

Magdalena Krzyzaniak - UK

Ishwar Shinde - India

I am a non muslim but yet in search of a true religion, I think Islam is really true but some questions arise in my mind. I am indeed searching for truth, if u send me the requested books, it would be of great help, besides pray for all of us that we come on the right path with Allahs mercy.

Ishwar Shinde - India

Damree Ilyaad - Mauritius

As Salaam Mou Alaikoum i got this website from a neighbour of mine. Your books make a better person and  i want to try my chance as well. JazakAllah.

Damree Ilyaad bin Akmez

Craig Lawrence - United States

I am a new convert with limited financial resources. I wish to study and learn all I can. Please send whatever you can to help me out. I was looking for a good tafsir, but they cost about $200.  That's beyond my means. I wish to learn arabic so I can read the Quran properly, but  classes and software cost to much also. My local masjid is small and they don't have classes. Thank you for anything you can do. 


Craig Lawrence - USA

Adam Parker - United Kingdom

Hi ( SAlaam), I recently converted to islam through being exposed to the religion at university, I still study at university and would like some books on different topics to broaden my lnowledge with the help of Allah. Thank you very much for the work you people doo and I very much appreciate it. It is only through people like yourself who commit your lives to the spread of islam that I saw the beauty of the religion.


Adam Parker - England

Muhammed Saifullah - Netherlands Antilles

Bonaire Islamic Center, if possible please send us more copies of Quran in Spanish and Dutch since they would be very useful for dawah, JazakAllah khair

Muhammed Saifullah - Netherland Antilles


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