
Questions and Answers on Islamic Doctrine

Questions and Answers on Islamic Doctrine

Chapter 2: Belief in Prophets and Missions

Question 12: Seeing that God’s message to humanity is one and the same, why was it partitioned among more than one prophet and not revealed in one package?

The Muslim Handbook

The Muslim Handbook

By: Dr. Mubarak Ali


24. Du’a when an Evil Thought Assails You


     Wa immaa yanza ghan-naka minash-shaitaani nazghun, fasta ‘izbil-lahi, in-nahu sami’un ‘alim.


     And if a evil suggestion assail your mind, seek refuse in Allah. Surely He is Hearing, Knowing.


In other words, say:

Real & Wonderful Stories

Real & Wonderful Stories

Compiled by: Abdurahim bin Mizhir Almalki

Nur Habiba bint Geeston

     My mother converted to Islam from Christianity eight years ago during Shawwal when I was seven years old and left me to decide for myself. Most of our family on both sides is Christian. My mother was the first to revert in my family to Islam, and this caused a huge uproar and opportunity for Satan to play dirty. They would harass her and threaten to take me away from her.

Combating Terrorism

Combating Terrorism


Dr. Ali S. Awadh Asseri

(Saudi Ambassador to Lebanon)


Real & Wonderful Stories

Real & Wonderful Stories

Compiled by: Abdurahim bin Mizhir Almalki


     My mother’s brother was married to a lady who was raised Muslim. She had been my “aunt” from the time I was born until around age five, when she was divorced from my uncle. My father and mother also got divorce when I was five. After both divorces my father and aunt remained friends and kept in contact.

The Muslim Handbook

The Muslim Handbook

By: Dr. Mubarak Ali


17. Du’a of the Childless


     Rabbi laa tazarni fardan, wa anta kharirul waa rithin.


     Leave me not alone, Lord, You are the Best of heirs.


18. Du’a for the Family


Questions and Answers on Islamic Doctrine

Questions and Answers on Islamic Doctrine

Chapter 2: Belief in Prophets and Missions

Question 10: In what way was Jesus Christ a Muslim, as well as all the other prophets?

Combating Terrorism

Combating Terrorism


Dr. Ali S. Awadh Asseri

(Saudi Ambassador to Lebanon)


The Islamic Perspective on Terrorism

O, Mankind, we have created you from male and female and made you into nations and tribes that you may know one another. Verily, the most honourable of you before God is the one who is most pious.[1]

Questions and Answers on Islamic Doctrine

Questions and Answers on Islamic Doctrine


Chapter 2: Belief in Prophets and Missions

Question 09: What evidence proves that Jesus was not a God, but only a messenger from God?


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